Based on the Academy Award Nominated 1994 Movie, Footloose, Footloose the musical tells the story of ren McCormack, a teenage boy from Chicago who moves to a small farming town with his mother. To his surprise, Ren finds himself at odds with the rigorous edicts from the local preacher, whom among other things has convinced the town to outlaw dancing! With the help of the Reverend's daughter, Ariel, Ren sets out to lead his classmates in a rebellion to fight for their rights and bring music and dance back again and to learn that no matter how tragic their circumstances are, they can survive and thrive!
Friday, March 31, 7:30pm Saturday, April 1, 7:30pm Sunday, April 2, 3:00pm
Friday, April 7, 7:30pm Saturday, April 8, 7:30pm Sunday, April 9, 3:00pm
Adult tickets are $15, students, military and seniors with I.D. are $10. Box office opens one hour before each performance for ticket sales. CASH or check only, sorry no credit cards.
Featuring our talented Cast of High School Performers: